What We Offer

Attended Service

Comprises an excursion from Dartmouth on our ex-RNLI-Mersey Class Lifeboat aboard The Samuel Wesley for up to 10 guests. During the trip you will have time to reflect on the loss of your loved one by viewing beautifully crafted visual tributes on our screens and perhaps listening to favourite pieces of music drawn from our extensive library of more than 700,000 tracks. Once we arrive at our chosen pausing place, ashes can be scattered freely or gently lowered into the water in a biodegradable urn. Eulogies and poems can be read, or perhaps just pausing for peace and reflection might be more appropriate. Whatever your request for this most important moment, we will endeavour to make it perfect for you.

Friends and relatives ashore may follow the proceedings as they happen through our livestream webcast. A recording of this remains on-demand through our portal for the next seven days and we can even make a lasting memento of the occasion by way of a digital download, USB, or DVD recording.

Unattended Service

We can take the ashes of your loved one and scatter them on your behalf with respect, laying them in their final resting place. You can choose whether to have the ashes scattered or lowered in a biodegradable urn of your choice. The crew can also read special words or poems at this moment, chosen by you or selected by us, accompanied by music relating specifically to you, the family, or the deceased.

Friends and relatives ashore may follow the proceedings as they happen through our livestream webcast. A recording of this remains on-demand through our portal for the next seven days and we can even make a lasting memento of the occasion by way of a digital download, USB, or DVD recording.

Anniversary Service

Mark the anniversary of the passing of your loved one with an excursion from Dartmouth on our ex-RNLI-Mersey Class Lifeboat aboard The Samuel Wesley onto the open sea for up to 10 guests. You can use the time to reflect on their passing and enjoy the time together remembering their life and achievements. We can create Visual Tributes for you to view during the trip, and perhaps pause at a set point for a time of reflection which could include a reading or some poetry. If the ashes of your loved one were previously scattered by us, we can even take you to the exact location where this took place and you may like to place flowers in the water here, or simply pause and reflect.

Friends and relatives ashore may follow the proceedings as they happen through our livestream webcast. A recording of this remains on-demand through our portal for the next seven days and we can even make a lasting memento of the occasion by way of a digital download, USB, or DVD recording.

Memorial Service

Have you recently said farewell to a loved one by way of a ceremony at a church or crematorium, but feel that you still need something more to complete your final goodbye? At Wesley Offshore we offer a tailor-made memorial service by way of an excursion from Dartmouth on our ex-RNLI-Mersey Class Lifeboat aboard The Samuel Wesley for up to 10 guests. You can use the time to reflect on their passing and enjoy fellowship together remembering their life and achievements. We can create visual tributes with or without music drawn from our extensive library for you to view on our screens during the trip, and we can stop at a set point for a time of reflection which could include readings or some poetry. You can organise this yourself or have one of our crew members celebrate on your behalf and we can provide flowers chosen by you which you might like to place in the water as a symbolic gesture of farewell.

Friends and relatives ashore may follow the proceedings as they happen through our livestream webcast. A recording of this remains on-demand through our portal for the next seven days and we can even make a lasting memento of the occasion by way of a digital download, USB, or DVD recording.