Terms and conditions for the Supply of Services/Condtions of sale






Terms and Conditions

By making a booking with Wesley Offshore you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions during your time with us. Where the booking is made for a group, then the person making the booking must ensure that all members of the group who will be travelling have read and agree with these terms and conditions.

Dartmouth harbour and pier (Dart Harbour) is a Trust Port.  Wesley Offshore shall not be liable to any passenger whilst on the Pier, its landings, or surrounding areas.

Dart Harbour shall not be liable to Wesley Offshore or its clients for any loss or damage which arises out of or in connection with or as a consequence of the operations of Wesley Offshore including, but not being limited to, loss of profit, damage to or loss of property nor any personal injury to a passenger.

A vessel is hired exclusively (referred to as a ‘Private Charter’). The maximum number of persons allowed on board at any one time is 12 (twelve) including crew.

All persons cruising on the vessel must be in possession of proof of payment prior to boarding the vessel. Any person attempting to gain admission to the vessel without proof of payment may be ejected from the vessel and its vicinity.

Wesley Offshore operates all year round subject to prevailing weather conditions & bookings.

Bookings and Cancellations.


1)     A vessel may only be privately chartered by persons aged 18 years or over.

2)     Payment is due at the time of booking.

3)     A request to transfer a booking to another date will only be granted in extenuating circumstances and where at least 24-hours notice is given via email or telephone. Please note an administrative fee will apply of up to 50%.

4)     Cancellation of your booking (or part of your booking) will require a minimum of 14 days notice; less than 14 days notice will be deemed as short notice.

5)     For short notice cancellations we will only issue a refund or move you to an alternative date if we can resell your spaces.

6)     Wesley Offshore will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that your booking operates, however, we reserve the right to cancel a booking. In the event of such cancellation, Wesley Offshore will fully refund the person who made the booking but otherwise shall have no liability whatever, including liability for travel expenses or any other out of pocket expenses, in respect of the cancellation.

7)     In the unlikely event that the vessel must make an emergency return to Dartmouth Harbour (or any other landing point along the route) Wesley Offshore will not be liable for replacement tickets and/or refunds.

8)     All prices are in pounds sterling (£) including VAT.

9)     Wesley Offshore reserve the right, where necessary to deviate from a vessel’s planned route. Please be aware, the weather and tides will on occasion dictate delays or alterations to the planned route; customers will be advised of any changes prior to sailing.

10)  Due to the nature of our business sailing times cannot be guaranteed, however, every effort will be made to keep on schedule.

11)  Speed restrictions apply at certain points along the routes. Wesley Offshore works closely with Dartmouth harbour master and the Maritime Coastal Agency ‘MCA’ to ensure we maintain high levels of passenger comfort and safety.

12)  All passengers should arrive at our rendezvous point in Dartmouth no less than 20 minutes prior to the trip time to check in.

13)  Please be aware that if you miss your scheduled departure, you will not be eligible for a later booking or refund. If you are not present upon check-in for your pre-booked departure time our boarding team will endeavour to contact you, so please ensure you provide us with a mobile telephone number that your lead passenger will have with them on booking in day.

14)  Wesley Offshore will prioritise all customers against their booking times and never allow late running customers to have an impact on later departure times. Wesley Offshore are not responsible for factors out of our control, for example, late running commuter services, traffic, or parking difficulties (this is not an exhaustive list).


Medical Conditions & Pregnancy


15)  The decision to sail and the consequences of doing so are entirely at the passenger’s own risk. Wesley Offshore does not accept any liability for personal injury, or injury to others and/or loss or damage.

16)  Expectant mothers must call for advice on best days to travel but do so at their own risk.

17)  Wesley Offshore advises you DO NOT travel if you have any historical or current spinal conditions or complaints. Be advised the open sea is an ever-changing environment and the vessel may be subject to unpredictable movements. We are not medical experts so are unable to assess every situation individually; we simply advise you do not travel with us.

18) All boats can experience unpredictable movements that could aggravate existing medical conditions. You must inform us of any material fact, including medical conditions or disabilities, which may affect the coxswain’s decision to carry you as a passenger. These include, but are not limited to, epilepsy, dizzy spells, diabetes, angina or any other heart conditions, back/bone conditions, and pregnancy (this is not an exhaustive list).


Clothing and safety equipment


19)  Wesley Offshore recommend you ‘dress for the weather’ bearing in mind it is usually cooler out at sea compared to on land. All passengers should arrive in suitable attire which will not be damaged by exposure to sea water or sunlight and in extreme circumstances hail or snow.

20)  Life jackets are provided and must be worn at all times. You will be given a full safety briefing which will include full instruction on the inflation of life jackets in the event of an emergency.

21)  Please note if life jackets are manually inflated and/or damaged with intent and where no emergency has taken place, as lead name on this booking you will be charged £120 per jacket.

22)  All Life jackets must be returned at the end of your trip with us. We will consider any items removed from the boarding area or vessel as stolen and issue a payment request to the lead passenger as a direct result.

23)  Wesley Offshore accepts no responsibility if any personal belongings are damaged, lost or stolen at any time whilst on the pier or our vessels.

24)  Any equipment which we provide as part of a trip and is either lost or damaged is charged at cost price. By using our equipment, you accept liability for loss or damage and agree to cover the costs incurred.


Comfort and Well-being


25)  Wesley offshore reserves the right to terminate a booking if a guest has

a)     a previous conviction for a criminal offence which, in the opinion of Wesley Offshore, is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of other guests.

b)     behaved in a manner which, in the opinion of Wesley Offshore, is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of other guests.

c)     used threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour which may provoke a breach of the peace.

d)     shown signs of discourtesy, abuse or aggression to guests or crew.

26)  Offensive weapons or dangerous articles cannot be taken onto the vessel. Passengers are admitted subject to a condition that, if requested to do so, they will allow themselves and/or their belongings to be searched.

27)  It is prohibited to take onto the vessel any weapons including fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles, flammable liquids, or other articles, which may cause injury.

28)  Smoking and vaping are prohibited on the vessel itself and on the boarding platform leading to the vessels.

29)  Pets or animals of any nature are expressly prohibited on the vessel itself and the boarding platform leading to the vessel.

30)  Unnecessary noise, (such as that from the use of radio sets and other electrical equipment), or any behaviour likely to cause annoyance to other passengers or confusion of any kind is not permitted on or in the vicinity of the vessel.

31)  Wesley Offshore request you are respectful of our staff, other passengers, and neighbours. Whilst onboard please refrain from offering obscurities, profanities, or any indecent hand/body gestures to members of the public or other harbour users.

32)  Other than liability for death or personal injury resulting from Wesley Offshores negligence, Wesley Offshore, its employees or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, howsoever arising, including without limitation any distress, inconvenience or anxiety caused during the course of any cruise undertaken and/or during evacuation from the vessel in the event of breakdown or accident.

33)  Wesley Offshore cannot be held responsible for weather conditions during your experience. Without exception poor weather will not be deemed a valid reason to authorise relocation of any booking.

34)  Children are deemed to be 12 years of age or younger. Any child must always be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wesley Offshore expressly reserves the right to request photographic evidence verifying the age of the accompanying adult (e.g. a driving licence or passport).


Private Transfers and Charters


35)  All vessels will be hired on a ‘Private Charter’ basis. The maximum number of passengers allowed per boat is twelve including crew.

36)  No booking may be resold without the previous written consent of Wesley Offshore. If Wesley Offshore reasonably believes that a booking has been resold without such consent, the holder may be refused entry to or ejected from the vessel without payment of compensation.




37)  Hand Luggage is restricted to one small rucksack per passenger. There is only room to store a small amount of luggage onboard the vessel.

38)  Large luggage (suitcases): We do not have capacity to store any large luggage items.

39)  Wesley Offshore will not be responsible for any belongings lost or left behind and advise passengers NOT to take all valuables with them.

40)  Wesley Offshore will carry out photography and/or video recording and/or webcasting and/or monitoring on or in the vicinity of the vessel which will feature passengers. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that Wesley Offshore or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that copyright in these materials rests with Wesley Offshore or such authorised party (as the case may be).

41)  Wesley Offshore will not be liable for any damage or loss to passengers own audio-visual equipment.


Complaints and Feedback

42)  Any passenger complaints should be brought to the attention of the crew on the day of your booking.

43) Following this, any further complaint should be put in to writing no less than seven days following your experience to info@wesleyoffshore.co.uk

44) Compliments and general feedback will be gratefully accepted to the same email address.

45) Wesley Offshore endeavours to respond to your correspondence within 72 hours, however, on occasion and where an internal investigation is necessary this can take longer.



Safety is of the upmost importance to Wesley Offshore, and our vessels conform to all safety regulations and undergo annual dry-docking and certification by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

All our Skippers hold the appropriate qualifications and are trained in first aid, firefighting, and sea survival.  Our vessels are operated in accordance with our approved Safety Management Code.

The vessels are equipped with electronic navigation equipment and are in full radio contact with the authorities, coastguard, and SOLAS at all times. Vessels are fully equipped with life jackets and self-inflating life rafts. 


Wesley Offshore is surveyed and licensed by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and is fully insured with passenger liability insurance.

The above terms and conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Law.